Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Adversary’s world

 The Adversary

We live in a time that looks exactly like how an Adversary to the Christian God would shape an opposition:

  • Shifting of the burden of proof of God from the default position that the vast majority of humanity has held to an atheistic and materialistic worldview 
  • Introduction of religions that are slight twisting of the Biblical Christian framework 
  • Elevation of preachers and teachers that corrupt the Gospel with false teachings or perverted lifestyles 
  • Destruction of the traditional family and roles for a hollow and absurd progressivism
  • Worship of money, celebrity and sports over charity, humility, and truth

That’s why it is so critical for Biblical Christians to hold firm to God’s Word and resist the Adversary. The ultimate victory is God’s but we have a responsibility to glorify Him through our lives and testimony.

Tell the truth in love and honor Christ in all you do. Daily put to death those things that pull you away from the Savior.

Soli Deo Gloria!

The Bible is God’s Holy Word


Saturday, April 6, 2024

“God of the gaps” vs “God in the system”

1. God of the gaps:

- The concept of "God of the gaps" refers to a theological perspective that seeks to explain phenomena or gaps in scientific knowledge by invoking the intervention of a higher power, namely God.

- It suggests that when there are gaps in scientific understanding or explanations for natural phenomena, some people attribute these gaps to the direct intervention of God.

- This perspective is often criticized for being a form of argument from ignorance, where God is used to explain things that are not currently understood by science.

- As scientific knowledge expands and fills these gaps, the need for invoking God as an explanation diminishes in this perspective.

2. God in the system:

- "God in the system" refers to a perspective that sees God as being inherently the mind behind the natural world and its systems, rather than being invoked to explain gaps in knowledge.

- This perspective often aligns with the idea of a God who set up the natural laws and systems of the universe and continues to work within them rather than frequently intervening in a supernatural or miraculous way (although it does not obviate it for special circumstances).

- Proponents of this view often see the laws of nature as reflecting the will or design of a Divine Developer, and they view scientific exploration and discovery as a way to understand God's creation framework more deeply.

- It reconciles scientific explanations of the natural world with Biblical faith, as it posits that God's presence and influence are present throughout the natural order.

In summary, while "God of the gaps" involves invoking God to explain gaps in scientific knowledge, "God in the system" views God as inherently engaged as the Developer of the natural world and its systems, allowing for a more harmonious relationship between scientific understanding of creation and Biblical faith.

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Case for an Intelligent Developer: Evidence and Inferred Best Explanation (IBE)


When contemplating the grand questions of existence - the origin of the universe, the fine-tuning of the cosmos, the emergence of life and consciousness - there are a limited number of potential hypotheses to explain these phenomena. One possibility that merits serious consideration is that of an Intelligent Developer - an immensely powerful and knowledgeable mind that purposefully created our reality. Here we examine logical arguments and empirical evidence from fields such as computer science, physics, information theory, and biology to build a case that an Intelligent Developer is the best explanation of our reality based on causes now in operation.

Here is the logical framework:

Argument 1:

P1 All coded systems have an intelligent developer

P2 Life is a coded system 

C1 Life has an Intelligent Developer (i.e., God)

Argument 2:

P1 All coded systems have an intelligent developer

P2 Reality is a coded system

C1 Reality has an Intelligent Developer (i.e., God)

Information and Code:

Our universe is fundamentally informational in nature. At the most basic level, elementary particles, and the quantum fields that comprise them, can be understood as excitations of abstract information. Moreover, this information is not random, but highly specified. The laws of physics that govern the behavior of all matter and energy are described by elegant mathematical equations - formulas that are remarkably simple in form yet unimaginably far-reaching in their explanatory and predictive power.  

The laws of nature appear fine-tuned to a staggering degree to allow for a universe capable of supporting complex structures and life. Dozens of physical constants like the strength of gravity, the mass of electrons, the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the strong nuclear force, etc. are set to highly precise values. If any deviated by a tiny fraction, stars would not form, atoms would fly apart or crush together, and chemistry as we know it would be impossible.

Where does all this specified complexity - this vast informational code at the heart of reality - come from? Our uniform experience affirms that information always arises from a mind, not mindless processes. Blueprints require architects. Novels require authors. Likewise, the informational laws and constants of our universe, finely-tuned to allow for life and inscribed in an elegant mathematical language, point to a Cosmic Programmer, a master Developer behind it all.

Biological Information:  

Nowhere is the appearance of design and development more striking than in the arena of biology and living systems. With the discovery of DNA, we learned that life is based on an immensely complex informational code. The human genome contains around 3 billion base pairs encoding over 20,000 genes. Each of our cells contains more organized information than the Library of Congress. 

Where did this staggering infusion of biological information originate? Once again, all our experience affirms that such information only arises from intelligent agents, not undirected material processes. Computer code requires programmers. Software requires software engineers. In the same way, the highly sophisticated information in DNA, essential for life, points decisively to an intelligent source - a master Bioengineer who wrote the language of life.

Abductive Logic: 

The form of reasoning used here is called abductive logic or inference to the best explanation. When faced with an effect or phenomena (like the fine-tuning of the universe or biological information), we infer that the explanation which best accounts for it is likely true. In this case, just as the specified complexity in computer code, literature, and human artifacts are best explained by intelligent minds, so too the informational nature of the cosmos and DNA are best accounted for by a superintelligent mind. An Intelligent Developer is the most causally adequate and parsimonious hypothesis.

Furthermore, this reasoning is not an argument from ignorance or "God of the gaps." Rather, it is based on knowledge of cause and effect - our uniform experience that information, irreducible/specified complexity, and sophisticated technology invariably arise from intelligent agency. When we see the same hallmarks in nature, we are justified in inferring the same type of cause now in operation - a supreme intelligent agent.


Some object that the Intelligent Developer hypothesis explains a mystery (the origin of information in the universe) by appealing to an even bigger mystery (the self-sufficient, uncaused, and uncreated Developer). But all explanatory ultimate accounts cannot be explained in terms of anything more fundamental - that's why they are ultimate accounts. 

Positing a self-existent, immaterial, non-spatial, atemporal, immensely powerful, supremely intelligent mind as the best explanation does not contradict any facts of science, but rather elegantly accounts for them.  

Others object that inferring design is unscientific. Yet cryptographers, archaeologists, and crime scene investigators use these very methods of abductive reasoning to reliably detect intelligent agency. If such reasoning is valid to infer human intelligent action, why not for inferring non-human intelligence as well?


In summary, the universe is fundamentally an informational realm, underlain by mathematical laws fine-tuned for life. 

Living systems themselves are based on a vast digital code storing encyclopedic information. The simplest, most causally adequate explanation for the origin of all this information is a transcendent mind. An Intelligent Developer stands as the most powerful and parsimonious hypothesis. This conclusion is based not on an argument from ignorance, but on the same abductive logic and inferences to the best explanation used by archaeology, cryptography, and forensic science. If our reasoning to intelligent activity is valid in these spheres of human activity and investigation, it ought to be valid when applied to the grandest artifact of all - our finely-tuned, information-rich cosmos. 

When we observe in nature the same kind of characteristics that in all other cases invariably arise from intelligent agency, we are amply justified in inferring an intelligent agent was responsible. The best, most causally adequate explanation for an information-rich universe fine-tuned for life and containing life based on vast stores of information is an Intelligent Developer. The heavens declare the genius of a Cosmic Programmer.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Sensus mali: the real problem of evil

The real “problem of evil” is that we are unwilling to accept that our genetic heritage causes us to believe that we are a peer with our Sovereign and that we are more just than He is.

We desire eternal life, but are unwilling to accept the consequences of having the ability to sense, desire, and persue those things which are not “of God” (i.e., evil).

Because we are *all* spiritually eternal yet *all* inherently traitorous, God has levied fitting punishment. 

Eternal rebellion by an eternal spiritual being (us) against an eternal Sovereign merits eternal punishment.

God has mercifully offered amnesty through Christ to anyone willing to resist and recant their inherent mutinous nature.

Are you willing to accept that God is Sovereign, just, yet merciful? Or do you want to embrace the stance that you are a better judge than the Sovereign King and continue in your evil rebellion?

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

An essay on God as the intelligent developer of reality as a computer program with math as the code with examples

Title: God as the Intelligent Developer: Reality Programmed with Mathematical Precision


The concept of God as an intelligent designer has been a cornerstone of philosophical and theological discourse for centuries. With the advent of the digital age, this discourse has evolved to encompass metaphors relevant to our time, one of which is the idea of God as the developer of reality, with the universe likened to a vast, intricate computer program, and mathematics serving as the underlying code. This essay explores this metaphor, drawing parallels between the creation and maintenance of reality and the development of complex software systems, with mathematics as the foundational language.

The Developer of Reality:

The notion of God as the intelligent developer posits that the universe is not a random occurrence but the product of a purposeful design, akin to a sophisticated computer program created by a developer. In this analogy, God fulfills the role of the ultimate programmer, one who has conceived and executed the cosmos with an intention and precision that is reflected in the mathematical order of the universe.

Mathematics: The Code of Creation:

Mathematics is the universal language that pervades the fabric of reality, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies. It is the code that governs the behavior and interactions of all things. The existence of mathematical principles and constants in nature suggests a level of design and order that parallels the meticulous code written by software developers to run complex programs.

Examples of Mathematical Precision in Nature:

1. The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio: The Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, manifests itself in various natural phenomena, such as the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the branching of trees, and the spiral patterns of shells. The Golden Ratio, closely related to the Fibonacci sequence, is often found in the proportions of natural objects, as well as in art and architecture, signifying an inherent aesthetic that can be perceived as the handiwork of a divine programmer.

2. The Fine Structure Constant: The fine structure constant, denoted by the symbol α, is a dimensionless physical constant that characterizes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. Its precise value is crucial for the stability of matter and the formation of stars and galaxies. This constant's seemingly arbitrary yet perfect value is often cited as an example of the precise tuning of the universe's parameters, akin to the careful calibration of variables in a complex computer program.

3. The Laws of Planetary Motion: Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion describe the orbits of planets as ellipses with the Sun at one focus. These laws can be derived from Newton's law of universal gravitation and his laws of motion, all of which are mathematical in nature. The predictability and regularity of planetary orbits highlight the mathematical precision with which the cosmic program operates.

The Maintenance of Reality:

Just as a computer program requires maintenance and updates, the universe exhibits dynamic processes governed by physical laws that allow for the constant unfolding of cosmic events. The laws of thermodynamics, for example, govern the flow of energy and the progression of time, ensuring that the cosmic program does not fall into disorder. This ongoing maintenance can be viewed as the continuous involvement of the intelligent developer in sustaining and evolving the creation.


The metaphor of God as the intelligent developer of reality, with mathematics serving as the code, provides a modern perspective on the ancient belief in a purposeful creation. The mathematical order and precision evident in the universe could be seen as signatures of a divine programmer, much like the intricate code behind our most sophisticated software. While this analogy cannot prove the existence of God, it does offer a compelling framework for contemplating the complexity and beauty of the cosmos, inviting us to explore the profound connection between the realm of the divine and the language of mathematics.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A Philosophical Comparison between Macro-evolution and Biblical Creationism

 The debate between macro-evolutionists and Biblical creationists has been ongoing for decades, with both sides presenting compelling arguments to support their beliefs. One of the key differences between these two perspectives lies in their respective starting points for life. Macro-evolutionists posit that life originated from a series of chemical accidents that led to the formation of a simple, self-replicating cell, while Biblical creationists believe that life began with adaptable archetypes created by God.

Macro-evolutionists propose that the complexity and diversity of life on Earth can be attributed to the process of evolution through natural selection, starting from a single-celled organism and gradually giving rise to all the species we see today. According to this view, life emerged through a combination of random mutations and environmental pressures that favored certain traits over others. Over millions of years, these small changes accumulated to produce the vast array of species that inhabit our planet.

However, critics of macro-evolution argue that the probability of life arising from a series of random chemical reactions is so astronomically low that it is essentially impossible. The intricate complexity of even the simplest living organisms suggests a level of design and purpose that cannot be explained by chance alone. Proponents of intelligent design often point to phenomena such as irreducible complexity – systems that require all their parts to be in place in order to function – as evidence of a guiding hand behind the development of life.

On the other hand, Biblical creationists take a different approach to explaining the origins of life. According to the creation account in the Bible, God created the world and all living creatures in a deliberate and purposeful manner. Each kind of creature was designed with specific archetypes that allowed for variation within its kind, enabling them to adapt to changing environmental conditions while remaining distinct from other kinds. In this view, the diversity of life is not the result of random chance but rather a reflection of the creative power of a divine Creator.

Biblical creationists argue that the complexity and beauty of the natural world are best understood as the work of an intelligent designer rather than the product of blind evolutionary processes. They point to the intricate design of living organisms, the fine-tuning of the universe, and the presence of information-rich structures like DNA as evidence of a purposeful creator behind the cosmos.

In conclusion, the debate between macro-evolutionists and Biblical creationists centers on fundamental questions about the nature of life and the origins of the universe. While macro-evolutionists emphasize the role of natural processes and random chance in shaping the diversity of life, Biblical creationists see evidence of intelligent design and purpose in the complexity of the natural world. Ultimately, the starting point for life – whether it be a series of chemical accidents or the hand of a divine Creator – shapes how we understand our place in the universe and the meaning of our existence.